Sunday, November 16, 2008

My personal thoughts for today!

I have been going to a new church this past few months.... It as well as the people are really great. I now have so many new friends. I think one reason is because of coffee! Since there is only 1 coffee place to go to here in this whole town, I think I am going to start my own! I will call it cafe o' momma A. Sound good??? haha.

On a more serious note I am really starting to like this little town. The people are growing on me! Or maybe I am attaching myself on the people! haha I do know that God has put us here for a reason. I hope and pray that we can grow in our faith and continue our walk with Christ here. I truly thought this town would not have "Hope". I am learning that there is "Hope" in even the smallest places. Tonight at Church I was reassured that God is working in our hearts and leading us in all the right paths. So far we are meeting new people and making new friends everyday. Maybe we were put in their lives or they were placed in ours? Who knows.... well..................God does! And may he continue to guide us and walk us though our journey.

Anyway I am getting emotional and need to get off here before I ruin my laptop with tears! Love you all ! - Amanda

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